07860 358493
81, Chapel Road
Building Name | 81, Chapel Road |
Address | Chapel Road. (Formerly listed as The Pear Tree Public House, CHAPEL ROAD). |
Grade listing | Grade II Listed Building Listing 1351322 |
Description | Former Public House, late C18 or early C19. 2 storeys and attics, 3 windows. Painted red brick with parapet gable at left-hand end. Plaintiled gambrel roof with segmental-headed small-pane casement dormers and gable chimneys of red brick. Sash windows with flat arches of gauged brick and small-pane sashes. 6-panelled entrance door, the upper panels glazed; a flat canopy on carved brackets. The later C19 additions on either side are not of special interest. |
LINK TO Film of Pear Tree Pub C1954 Courtesy of University of East Anglia, East Anglian Film Archive.
About this film.
The Pear Tree Pub and the entertainment it provides for its patrons.
The first film, in black and white, begins with exterior shots of the Pear Tree lit up at night. Interior shots of the public house show shots of people, including women, drinking. There are shots of a women's darts match and further pub shots before shots of a men's darts match. A man plays the piano and a group stand around and sing. This scene becomes a little rowdy. The second film, in colour, begins with a shot of the Greene King plaque and the pub sign on the side of the Pear Tree public house. Cars are parked outside. A jump cut is used to achieve the appearance of a group of men suddenly appearing outside the pub. All carry drinks. The camera zooms in a little and pans along the line. There are close up shots of faces, including one man pulling faces at the camera through a window. 'Trick' camerawork makes a man's pint of beer disappear. The third film, also shot in colour, shows scenes from a little girl's sixth birthday party. There are interior shots of the function room. There are shots of the food on the table and then of the birthday cake. A woman lights the candles and burns her fingers. A girl blows out the candles. There is a shot of the children, all girls, sitting around the table. A woman holds a baby. A group of women hand around food. There are shots of a grandmother with the baby before further shots of the party. The women blow up balloons. The children play outside. The final shot is of a family group.